National Missions

Mark 16:15 calls us to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." At the heart of our national missions is this call to share God’s love and serve others across our nation.

Below are some examples of past national mission projects, and we are excited about future opportunities to serve. If you know of needs or initiatives we can support, please reach out to us.
We believe in putting our faith into action by reaching beyond our local community to impact lives throughout the United States..
Whether through disaster relief, supporting ministries, or providing resources to those in need, we aim to reflect God’s love in tangible ways.

National Missions 2024:

Gleaning For The World: Flood Relief and Food Distribution in Central Virginia
Red Nueve Vida: Hispanic Church Plants
Bibles In Schools Ministry
Risen Ridge Ministry in Stuarts Draft Virginia
The Warm Shelter in Waynesboro Virginia