Jonah 1
on August 14th, 2020
We will be going through the book of Jonah over the next three weeks. Chapter 1 will be the focus this week. Jonah is mentioned as a prophet in 2nd Kings 14:25 and Jesus talked about Jonah in Matthew 12:39-41, 16:4, and Luke 11:29-32. We all know that Jonah ran from God's calling, but we really need to give Jonah some grace and look at the circumstances here. The city of Nineveh was an Assyrian ci...  Read More
Psalm 37
on August 3rd, 2020
We will be looking at verses 1-6. It is quite relevant to what is happening in our nation and around the world today. Human nature has not changed. 1 Fret not yourself because of evildoers. Be not envious towards wrongdoers. Rioting, burning, looting, injuring, and killing is what we see happening. We also see godless people becoming very wealthy. Corruption seems to pay well. Immorality is celebr...  Read More
Psalm 2
on July 20th, 2020
Please read Psalm 2 this week. As we look at the world today, we see that the nations are in an uproar against God and His laws. Psalm 2 is just as relevant today as when it was written. It is best broken down into four sections. 1. The nations are in an uproar. 2. The Lord laughs and scoffs at them. 3. The Son proclaims the decree.4. God gives advice and warning to the rulers.Verses 1-3 the natio...  Read More
The Lord is Still Looking for Faith and Action
on June 4th, 2020
The Lord is Still Looking for Faith and ActionIn Chapter 13 of the book of Numbers, 10 of the 12 spies gave a bad report to Moses concerning the land that the Lord promised to give them.  It was a very scary place.  These tribes were similar to Isis today, very cruel barbarians.  There were also giants in the land.  We would be afraid too!  But God had made a covenant with Abram, spoke and did mig...  Read More
Welcome to TWC
on March 10th, 2020
Welcome to The Warehouse Church here in Afton! Our small group is excited about being here and learning, serving, worshipping, and growing in the Lord. The 5 pm meetings are similar to a regular service with updates, video worship, teaching, and a time of prayer. Afterwards, there is a time of fellowship and more prayer at a home just around the corner. There is much to do when starting from scratc...  Read More