The Power of Disobedience Part 2

Genesis 3:14-24

After the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the Lord God quickly pronounced judgment and punishment on them and Satan. This began an ages-long battle between good and evil. The Lord God also gave them hope and a solution in the prophecy of the coming of the Messiah. Mankind will be restored back to God. We must remember that God's judgment is not just to punish people but to turn us back to Him. As always, what happened as a result of their sin was the exact opposite of what Satan said would happen. He is a liar and a deceiver! There is no good in him. Way back then Satan went after God's children. Today, if he can't get to you, he will go after your children. This is where it started. Can anybody relate?

14 The Lord God pronounced a curse on the serpent that Satan worked through. You are more cursed than the beasts of the field. You shall be lower than all creatures and eat dust all the days of your life. Satan fell because of his pride so the Lord God brought the serpent very low.

15 The Lord God put enmity between Satan and the women and his seed and her seed. He shall crush you on the head and you shall bruise him on the heel. This is the first verse about Jesus coming as the Messiah. Satan deceived Eve, but through her offspring, he would be defeated. Galatians 3:16. Jesus defeated sin, death, and the power of Satan at Calvary. Satan has the seed that follows him instead of God. They have been fighting the Lord God every step of the way since. He believes he can stop God's plans. This battle is throughout the Scriptures.

16 The judgment on Eve. The Lord God did not curse Adam and Eve like satan, but they still received punishment for their disobedience. Her pain in childbirth would be very great. Her husband would rule over her. Their equality was gone. Man ruling over women was soon by force and brute strength. It continues to this day.

17,18,19  the judgment on Adam. Because of his disobedience, the ground is cursed and by much work and sweat, you will grow your food to survive. Everything was provided for them in the garden by the Lord God. Not any more! Now it was going to be work until they die. Their disobedience was a disaster. They died a spiritual death and lost everything. Again, the exact opposite of what the deceiver said would happen!

20 Eve means life, giver of life. Adam means red earth.

21 Adam and Eve's coverings were not acceptable. So the Lord God made the coverings of skin and He clothed them. Their being covered required a sacrifice. Adam named the animals in the garden and there was peace between them. This must have really affected Adam to see his disobedience caused the death of these animals. It would be very convicting. We cannot approach a holy God without being covered. The high priest had very special clothes to wear before he went into the holy of holies. God provided Jesus as a covering for our sins. Now we are all high priests that can go boldly before our holy God! This is where our prayers are answered.

 22,23 US, the Trinity. Man cannot be trusted anymore and he is sent out of paradise to toil and sweat to survive.

24 He drove them out of the garden and blocked the way back into it. Paradise was lost. It was a dangerous place to now be in. It could have been a worse punishment though. The Lord God could have cursed them or even taken their lives. But now they were held accountable for their sin and would suffer for it for the rest of their lives without the relationship they had with the Lord God. This was the beginning of a long struggle through the ages of humanity's sin and the battle between good and evil. Only God knows all the suffering, death, disease, murder, wars, abuse, crime, and other evils that have occurred since that time. Disobedience is powerful!


Pray for your children and grandchildren. Satan is still coming after them to destroy their lives and to discourage you and distract you from following Jesus.

We are still suffering from the effects of disobedience.

Satan's seed is mightily at work all around us.

The battle is in the mind. We get impressions from our flesh, the world, the enemy, and God. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment and wisdom concerning these.

Satan only has influence over us through our disobedience. Reject him! James 4:7.

Are you thankful that God provided a covering for us in Jesus? I sure am! I needed it.

Do you need a covering for your sin and disobedience before a most holy God? Come to Jesus and be covered by His amazing grace and sacrifice. It is free and eternal. Jesus will never turn you away if you are truly seeking Him!

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