Our Gain from the Obedience of Jesus
Last week we studied how Jesus suffered and died for the world as He was obedient to death. Today we will see what we have gained as a result of His life of obedience. It is amazing, wonderful, unbelievable, powerful, and FREE! We will be studying Romans 4:22-25 and Romans 5. I want you to notice how the apostle Paul keeps adding one more blessing after another that was reckoned to us as we put our faith in Jesus.
Romans 4:22,23 Abram by faith believed God for an heir and descendants as numerous as the stars. Gen.15:6.
24 For our sake it will be reckoned when we believe in Him who raised Jesus from the dead.
25 Jesus was crucified for our transgressions and raised up because of our justification.
Romans 5:1 Therefore, because of our faith, we are justified and have peace with God through Jesus. Thank you, Lord!
2 ALSO, we stand in grace. We exalt in hope of the glory of God. We have hope for the future. How important and encouraging this is in these uncertain days.
3 NOT ONLY THIS. We gained more! Because of this hope we should exult in our tribulations. To exalt means to hold something or someone in very high regard. How many of us are exalting in our tribulations right now in the midst of the virus and all the terrible things that are happening in the world today? Who does this? Jesus did! Hebrews 12:2. If we exalt in tribulations instead of being defeated by them, this will produce perseverance.
4 Perseverance brings about proven character. Does our Father discipline us? 2nd Chronicles 7:13. Why? So we turn to Him as He refines our character and builds the Kingdom. As our character is cleaned of impurities it brings us hope. We have hope to face trials and future tribulations. Of course, we have to be obedient as He cleanses us.
5 Hope does not disappoint. Why? We have through the Holy Spirit, the love of God within our hearts. Jesus' obedience gave us the Holy Spirit.
6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for us. If we accept as facts that He died for us and He sent the Holy Spirit to us we have hope for a glorious future with God.
7,8 We might die for a good person, family, friends, etc. God proved and demonstrated His love for us and Christ died for us. We were wretched, undone, sinners.
9 MUCH MORE THEN. There is even more! We have been justified by His blood. Justified means made right by reason or evidence. Saved from the wrath of God through Jesus. Thank you, Father and Jesus! That day is coming and it will not be good.
10 We were reconciled to God through His death. God raised Him to life. His life gives us a new life. John 10:10. He is interceding for us to God. He is in us.
11 AND NOT ONLY THIS. It keeps coming! We hold God in very high regard as we live the believer's life in Jesus. When we exalt the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, something happens. We are refocused, refreshed, joyful, thankful, and hopeful for the future. This happens even under trials and tribulations.
12 Therefore, here is what happened. This is pointing to the rest of the chapter. Through one man, Adam, sin entered the world causing spiritual death and it spread to all people. Was this disobedience powerful? Absolutely! So is ours.
13 Genesis 6:5. There was sin but no law to convict. Did they know they were sinning? Where did morality come from? What behavior is permissible without God? All! Imputed means responsibility or blame on or for an act. Someone sinned before Adam. satan did and it spread to many angels and then he spread it to the human race. No law at the fall. So God over time, raised up a people to introduce AND KEEP the law as a testimony to the world. It has done much good, but overall the world still went astray towards evil. We can see why this broke the Father's heart when Israel as a whole turned from the law to other gods and wickedness. In fact, He said they were even more wicked than the nations God drove out of Canaan! But God loved them with an everlasting love and sent prophets and eventually Jesus and then the Holy Spirit.
14 Adam to Moses who gave the people the law. Various sins beside Adams. A type of Him to come. Some examples. Adam is of the earth. Adam affected the human race with one act of disobedience. He represented life in the flesh. Humans came through him. Jesus is from heaven. Jesus affected the human race through His obedience. He represented life in the Spirit. Spiritual life came through Him.
15 Here is the difference. The FREE GIFT is not like the transgression. Does anyone here like free? I sure do! The transgression caused many to die. MUCH MORE. Another gain for us. God's amazing grace and the gift of the grace of Jesus abounded to many.
16 The difference is the gift did not come like the transgression. The one sin caused condemnation for all. The FREE GIFT came because of all the sins in history resulting in justification. Galatians 4:4,5.
17 Death reigned through one sin. But MUCH MORE those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Amazing!
18 One transgression versus one act of righteousness.
19 Here we go! This is what we have talked about in this series on the power of obedience and the power of disobedience. Through disobedience, many were made sinners. Disobedience is powerful! Our disobedience can cause us and others around us to sin. Our mortal enemy can greatly use it to further his wicked schemes. The obedience of Jesus has made and is making many righteous. Our obedience can be used by God to build our character and build His Kingdom. He will use it to affect those around us and change the world!
20 The Law came in. It imputed sin was wrong and so transgressions were increased. But where sin increased grace abounded all the more. You see grace did not just cancel the sin, we gained MUCH MORE through that grace, and IT IS FREE! We gained justification, peace with God, grace in which we stand in this life, perseverance in tribulations, proven character, hope, the Holy Spirit, reconciliation, His life in us, Jesus intercedes for us to God.
21 As sin reigned in death, grace reigned through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Wow and Hallelujah!
Are you being obedient in doing what the Lord has asked you to do?
Do you have faith in the Lord that He will reckon to you as righteousness?
Do you exalt in your tribulations?
Are you giving in, or giving up in difficult situations or are you persevering and letting that situation bring about a proven character?
Has this given you hope in your future here on earth and in your future in heaven?
Have you thanked the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for the free gifts that you have gained through their amazing love and grace?
If you have never put your faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord, please consider all the FREE gifts that we studied and that are available to you the moment you accept Him. This is the greatest deal that will ever be offered to you and the greatest deal there will ever be! Don't pass it up!
I hope you have enjoyed this series on The Power of Obedience and The Power of Disobedience! I sure have and I learned a lot through the Word, the Spirit, and the input from my brothers and sisters here at TWC. GOD BLESS YOU, Pastor John
Romans 4:22,23 Abram by faith believed God for an heir and descendants as numerous as the stars. Gen.15:6.
24 For our sake it will be reckoned when we believe in Him who raised Jesus from the dead.
25 Jesus was crucified for our transgressions and raised up because of our justification.
Romans 5:1 Therefore, because of our faith, we are justified and have peace with God through Jesus. Thank you, Lord!
2 ALSO, we stand in grace. We exalt in hope of the glory of God. We have hope for the future. How important and encouraging this is in these uncertain days.
3 NOT ONLY THIS. We gained more! Because of this hope we should exult in our tribulations. To exalt means to hold something or someone in very high regard. How many of us are exalting in our tribulations right now in the midst of the virus and all the terrible things that are happening in the world today? Who does this? Jesus did! Hebrews 12:2. If we exalt in tribulations instead of being defeated by them, this will produce perseverance.
4 Perseverance brings about proven character. Does our Father discipline us? 2nd Chronicles 7:13. Why? So we turn to Him as He refines our character and builds the Kingdom. As our character is cleaned of impurities it brings us hope. We have hope to face trials and future tribulations. Of course, we have to be obedient as He cleanses us.
5 Hope does not disappoint. Why? We have through the Holy Spirit, the love of God within our hearts. Jesus' obedience gave us the Holy Spirit.
6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for us. If we accept as facts that He died for us and He sent the Holy Spirit to us we have hope for a glorious future with God.
7,8 We might die for a good person, family, friends, etc. God proved and demonstrated His love for us and Christ died for us. We were wretched, undone, sinners.
9 MUCH MORE THEN. There is even more! We have been justified by His blood. Justified means made right by reason or evidence. Saved from the wrath of God through Jesus. Thank you, Father and Jesus! That day is coming and it will not be good.
10 We were reconciled to God through His death. God raised Him to life. His life gives us a new life. John 10:10. He is interceding for us to God. He is in us.
11 AND NOT ONLY THIS. It keeps coming! We hold God in very high regard as we live the believer's life in Jesus. When we exalt the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, something happens. We are refocused, refreshed, joyful, thankful, and hopeful for the future. This happens even under trials and tribulations.
12 Therefore, here is what happened. This is pointing to the rest of the chapter. Through one man, Adam, sin entered the world causing spiritual death and it spread to all people. Was this disobedience powerful? Absolutely! So is ours.
13 Genesis 6:5. There was sin but no law to convict. Did they know they were sinning? Where did morality come from? What behavior is permissible without God? All! Imputed means responsibility or blame on or for an act. Someone sinned before Adam. satan did and it spread to many angels and then he spread it to the human race. No law at the fall. So God over time, raised up a people to introduce AND KEEP the law as a testimony to the world. It has done much good, but overall the world still went astray towards evil. We can see why this broke the Father's heart when Israel as a whole turned from the law to other gods and wickedness. In fact, He said they were even more wicked than the nations God drove out of Canaan! But God loved them with an everlasting love and sent prophets and eventually Jesus and then the Holy Spirit.
14 Adam to Moses who gave the people the law. Various sins beside Adams. A type of Him to come. Some examples. Adam is of the earth. Adam affected the human race with one act of disobedience. He represented life in the flesh. Humans came through him. Jesus is from heaven. Jesus affected the human race through His obedience. He represented life in the Spirit. Spiritual life came through Him.
15 Here is the difference. The FREE GIFT is not like the transgression. Does anyone here like free? I sure do! The transgression caused many to die. MUCH MORE. Another gain for us. God's amazing grace and the gift of the grace of Jesus abounded to many.
16 The difference is the gift did not come like the transgression. The one sin caused condemnation for all. The FREE GIFT came because of all the sins in history resulting in justification. Galatians 4:4,5.
17 Death reigned through one sin. But MUCH MORE those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Amazing!
18 One transgression versus one act of righteousness.
19 Here we go! This is what we have talked about in this series on the power of obedience and the power of disobedience. Through disobedience, many were made sinners. Disobedience is powerful! Our disobedience can cause us and others around us to sin. Our mortal enemy can greatly use it to further his wicked schemes. The obedience of Jesus has made and is making many righteous. Our obedience can be used by God to build our character and build His Kingdom. He will use it to affect those around us and change the world!
20 The Law came in. It imputed sin was wrong and so transgressions were increased. But where sin increased grace abounded all the more. You see grace did not just cancel the sin, we gained MUCH MORE through that grace, and IT IS FREE! We gained justification, peace with God, grace in which we stand in this life, perseverance in tribulations, proven character, hope, the Holy Spirit, reconciliation, His life in us, Jesus intercedes for us to God.
21 As sin reigned in death, grace reigned through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Wow and Hallelujah!
Are you being obedient in doing what the Lord has asked you to do?
Do you have faith in the Lord that He will reckon to you as righteousness?
Do you exalt in your tribulations?
Are you giving in, or giving up in difficult situations or are you persevering and letting that situation bring about a proven character?
Has this given you hope in your future here on earth and in your future in heaven?
Have you thanked the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for the free gifts that you have gained through their amazing love and grace?
If you have never put your faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord, please consider all the FREE gifts that we studied and that are available to you the moment you accept Him. This is the greatest deal that will ever be offered to you and the greatest deal there will ever be! Don't pass it up!
I hope you have enjoyed this series on The Power of Obedience and The Power of Disobedience! I sure have and I learned a lot through the Word, the Spirit, and the input from my brothers and sisters here at TWC. GOD BLESS YOU, Pastor John
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