Obedience vs. Disobedience
1st Samuel 2:11-36
In chapter 2 we see two stories being carried out. A comparison of obedience and disobedience. The obedience of Hannah leaving Samuel at the temple and Samuel growing in stature and in favor both with the Lord and men. Life! We also see the disobedience of Eli and his sons as they minister in the temple. This disobedience led to death! Obedience and disobedience are powerful and they affect those around us and our offspring. It is a choice. Deuteronomy 30:15-20.
11 Elkanah and Hannah leave little Samuel behind at the temple as Hannah said she would. Hannah's obedience. Now to the disobedience.
12 They did not know the Lord. This is a problem! If you think this is not a problem today, you are sadly mistaken. A few things to consider when you look at those in ministry. Does the devil know the scriptures? Yes. Is he saved? No. Jesus said you shall know them by their fruit. Have you heard their testimony? Are they secure in the Lord? Do they bring unity or do they cause division? Do they put the flock first? Do they keep their word? Are they offended by advice or hard questions? Is their life orderly? Is their use of God's money proper? We are in a battle. Where are the tares? In the wheat. At the last supper, the devil was in the room with Jesus and the disciples!
13-16 There were strict guidelines in Leviticus for sacrifices and meat for the priests. These were the sacrifices of the people for their sins before the Lord. The priests disregarded all this. They were even rebuked by the people sacrificing to the Lord.
17 A very great sin before the Lord. They despised the offering of the Lord. They led people away from God. They led people into sin. This is a great disobedience! Malachi 2:5-9 shows us how a priest should be before God. Back to obedience.
18,19 Hannah kept her promise and Samuel as a little boy ministered to the Lord. The ark of the covenant was there at this time, the presence of the Lord.
20 Now Eli would bless them when they came up to the temple each year. Things certainly changed since the first time Eli saw Hannah. He saw God at work in her life.
21 Wonderful! The Lord certainly honored Hannah's obedience to Him and her vow. Was there the joy of the Lord in that home now? Samuel was her first fruit dedicated to God. You cannot out-give God. How did this happen? Hannah poured out her soul before the Lord! Samuel grew before the Lord. Back to disobedience.
22-24 Eli was well aware of what his sons were doing in the temple. Very wicked. Total desecration of the house of the Lord. Rumors were flying and people complained to Eli. He had the authority to remove them, but he did not. A big mistake and as we will see a very costly mistake. God and His ways come first. Not our children's ways. He will hold us accountable for how or if we discipline our children at any age.
25 Who can argue for sin against God? They crossed the line in their disobedience to the Lord. He desired to put them to death. A very scary verse. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are protective of their people. Back to obedience.
26 Now the boy Samuel was growing in stature and in favor both with the Lord and with men. Luke 2:52. Do you see what the Lord in His Word is showing us? We keep going back and forth in this chapter between obedience and disobedience and the results. God is making this very clear. In the midst of this depravity, Samuel is growing in the Lord. What a lesson and example for us today in these days we live in! Circumstances do not stop us or our children from walking and growing in the Lord. It is a choice. Are we obedient or disobedient to Him? Have we given our trials and tribulations to Him? Have we prayed and wept before Him? Have we poured out our soul before the Lord? He is there and He is faithful. He will respond to your cries!
Have you dedicated yourself or someone or something in your life to the Lord? Follow through with it. Be obedient. The Lord will honor your commitment.
Are you putting your offsprings ways before the Lord's ways? You are accountable to Him, not them.
Do you rejoice when He brings you through trials and difficult situations?
Are you growing in stature with the Lord and people in spite of where you are in this world?
Do you desire to have blessings in your life in the midst of all the terrible things that are happening in the world around you? Believe in and trust in Jesus today! All of these things will not disappear, but He will help you get through them. You can have an inward joy and peace in your life with Him.
In chapter 2 we see two stories being carried out. A comparison of obedience and disobedience. The obedience of Hannah leaving Samuel at the temple and Samuel growing in stature and in favor both with the Lord and men. Life! We also see the disobedience of Eli and his sons as they minister in the temple. This disobedience led to death! Obedience and disobedience are powerful and they affect those around us and our offspring. It is a choice. Deuteronomy 30:15-20.
11 Elkanah and Hannah leave little Samuel behind at the temple as Hannah said she would. Hannah's obedience. Now to the disobedience.
12 They did not know the Lord. This is a problem! If you think this is not a problem today, you are sadly mistaken. A few things to consider when you look at those in ministry. Does the devil know the scriptures? Yes. Is he saved? No. Jesus said you shall know them by their fruit. Have you heard their testimony? Are they secure in the Lord? Do they bring unity or do they cause division? Do they put the flock first? Do they keep their word? Are they offended by advice or hard questions? Is their life orderly? Is their use of God's money proper? We are in a battle. Where are the tares? In the wheat. At the last supper, the devil was in the room with Jesus and the disciples!
13-16 There were strict guidelines in Leviticus for sacrifices and meat for the priests. These were the sacrifices of the people for their sins before the Lord. The priests disregarded all this. They were even rebuked by the people sacrificing to the Lord.
17 A very great sin before the Lord. They despised the offering of the Lord. They led people away from God. They led people into sin. This is a great disobedience! Malachi 2:5-9 shows us how a priest should be before God. Back to obedience.
18,19 Hannah kept her promise and Samuel as a little boy ministered to the Lord. The ark of the covenant was there at this time, the presence of the Lord.
20 Now Eli would bless them when they came up to the temple each year. Things certainly changed since the first time Eli saw Hannah. He saw God at work in her life.
21 Wonderful! The Lord certainly honored Hannah's obedience to Him and her vow. Was there the joy of the Lord in that home now? Samuel was her first fruit dedicated to God. You cannot out-give God. How did this happen? Hannah poured out her soul before the Lord! Samuel grew before the Lord. Back to disobedience.
22-24 Eli was well aware of what his sons were doing in the temple. Very wicked. Total desecration of the house of the Lord. Rumors were flying and people complained to Eli. He had the authority to remove them, but he did not. A big mistake and as we will see a very costly mistake. God and His ways come first. Not our children's ways. He will hold us accountable for how or if we discipline our children at any age.
25 Who can argue for sin against God? They crossed the line in their disobedience to the Lord. He desired to put them to death. A very scary verse. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are protective of their people. Back to obedience.
26 Now the boy Samuel was growing in stature and in favor both with the Lord and with men. Luke 2:52. Do you see what the Lord in His Word is showing us? We keep going back and forth in this chapter between obedience and disobedience and the results. God is making this very clear. In the midst of this depravity, Samuel is growing in the Lord. What a lesson and example for us today in these days we live in! Circumstances do not stop us or our children from walking and growing in the Lord. It is a choice. Are we obedient or disobedient to Him? Have we given our trials and tribulations to Him? Have we prayed and wept before Him? Have we poured out our soul before the Lord? He is there and He is faithful. He will respond to your cries!
Have you dedicated yourself or someone or something in your life to the Lord? Follow through with it. Be obedient. The Lord will honor your commitment.
Are you putting your offsprings ways before the Lord's ways? You are accountable to Him, not them.
Do you rejoice when He brings you through trials and difficult situations?
Are you growing in stature with the Lord and people in spite of where you are in this world?
Do you desire to have blessings in your life in the midst of all the terrible things that are happening in the world around you? Believe in and trust in Jesus today! All of these things will not disappear, but He will help you get through them. You can have an inward joy and peace in your life with Him.
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