God's Woes Pronounced on the Chaldeans

Last week we read that Habakkuk cried to the Lord as he witnessed the strife and injustice all around him. The Lord's answer was not what Habakkuk wanted to hear, judgment was coming to Judah! Yes, God was going to use the Chaldeans as a rod of punishment, but He would also hold them guilty for their crimes against the nations. This week we will look at the Woes that God declares against the Chaldeans. They have come true. The Hittites, Assyrians, and finally the Medes, conquered Babylon. The Chaldeans and their great city of Babylon are long gone. Most of the ruins of the city are now under the water table of the Euphrates river and beneath the sands. God pronounced judgment on Babylon in Jeremiah 25, 50, 51, Isaiah 13, 47, and Revelation 18. Babylon is also a symbol of wickedness and the world's systems. In Galatians 6:7 Paul said, Do not be deceived, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. If we look at history, we can see that this applies to the nations too.
2:6-8 At the end of verse 5, the Lord says, Chaldea also gathers to himself all nations and collects to himself all peoples. These nations will someday respond with taunts and insinuations and mockery towards them. They will say WOE TO HIM who increases what is not his and makes himself rich with loans. Your day will come! You steal and take over what is not yours and charge interest on the money that you stole and lend out. Those you oppress will conquer you someday and plunder you. You have looted nations and those that are left will loot you because of all the bloodshed you have caused.
9-11 WOE TO HIM who gets evil gain for his house to put his nest on high to be delivered from the hand of calamity. House refers to his kingdom and family. A nest on high is the huge walls of Babylon. They thought a fortified city would protect them from all harm. This was an incredible city. It may have been 14 to 15 miles square with 75 foot thick walls that were at least a hundred feet high. It was surrounded by a moat. It was near the Euphrates river. Of course, this city was built from the money that was stolen and by slavery. You are sinning against yourself. What you are doing is shameful. The very stones and rafters are a witness to your abuse and greed. Luke 19:40.
12-14 WOE TO YOU! This is wrong! It is not God's way. All your works will be burned up. All this work and worry is for nothing. It is vanity. Why is this vanity? It is the wrong knowledge. It is the wrong pursuit. For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. The Kingdom will come to earth. People will know that He is God. God wants righteousness in a nation. Proverbs 14:34. What does the Lord want from us as individuals in a nation? Micah 6:8.
15-17 WOE TO YOU! You make your neighbors drink to commit adultery with them. You drink to expose your own nakedness. This is a disgrace! The Lord's cup of judgment will come around to you. Alcohol makes it much easier to sin. Do you think your drunkenness and seduction are a good thing? It is a disgrace. This may refer to the cedars of Lebanon be cut down to build the city. What is meant by the word beasts here is not clear. The Chaldeans will be overwhelmed with violence someday.
18-20 WOE TO THE IDOLATERS! Exodus 20:1-4. Idolatry is the sin that begins the downfall of nations and a person. It may be the greatest sin. A graven image and a cast metal image. What profit is in it? How can you trust in something you created? It does not include or cover your eternity. Awake wood! Arise dumb stone! How can they teach you? Does God want to teach us? How can it breathe when it is smothered in metal? You are stupid to think and do this.
The Lord who IS alive is in His temple. He is omniscient, omnipresent. He has breath, knowledge, glory, power. He is our teacher. He has salvation. He is love. Be silent before Him, bow down before Him, not your idols.
Many of the scriptures were for the days that the prophets spoke them. But they were also at the same time, prophecies for the future. This is one of the many amazing things about God's Word. Let's look at some scriptures about the Lord's rule that is coming. Isaiah 11:1-10, 42:1-4. This will be true justice and righteousness for the nations. Until then, I would suggest that you pray for revival and awakening in your county and in your nation. I believe the Lord's Prayer is very appropriate for this time too. Matthew 6:9-13.
Are you looking to God in these chaotic times?
Do you realize that this chapter of Habakkuk refers also to God's final judgment of all injustice, violence, and wickedness?
Are you praying for the deliverance from evil for yourself and your loved ones and your church body?
If you do not have hope in God in these times of shaking, He is waiting for you to turn to Him. You can have peace and assurance of a future in the middle of this storm. The earth will be filled with His glory. He is in His Holy temple. Please trust in Jesus today! He is waiting with open arms for you to come to Him.
2:6-8 At the end of verse 5, the Lord says, Chaldea also gathers to himself all nations and collects to himself all peoples. These nations will someday respond with taunts and insinuations and mockery towards them. They will say WOE TO HIM who increases what is not his and makes himself rich with loans. Your day will come! You steal and take over what is not yours and charge interest on the money that you stole and lend out. Those you oppress will conquer you someday and plunder you. You have looted nations and those that are left will loot you because of all the bloodshed you have caused.
9-11 WOE TO HIM who gets evil gain for his house to put his nest on high to be delivered from the hand of calamity. House refers to his kingdom and family. A nest on high is the huge walls of Babylon. They thought a fortified city would protect them from all harm. This was an incredible city. It may have been 14 to 15 miles square with 75 foot thick walls that were at least a hundred feet high. It was surrounded by a moat. It was near the Euphrates river. Of course, this city was built from the money that was stolen and by slavery. You are sinning against yourself. What you are doing is shameful. The very stones and rafters are a witness to your abuse and greed. Luke 19:40.
12-14 WOE TO YOU! This is wrong! It is not God's way. All your works will be burned up. All this work and worry is for nothing. It is vanity. Why is this vanity? It is the wrong knowledge. It is the wrong pursuit. For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. The Kingdom will come to earth. People will know that He is God. God wants righteousness in a nation. Proverbs 14:34. What does the Lord want from us as individuals in a nation? Micah 6:8.
15-17 WOE TO YOU! You make your neighbors drink to commit adultery with them. You drink to expose your own nakedness. This is a disgrace! The Lord's cup of judgment will come around to you. Alcohol makes it much easier to sin. Do you think your drunkenness and seduction are a good thing? It is a disgrace. This may refer to the cedars of Lebanon be cut down to build the city. What is meant by the word beasts here is not clear. The Chaldeans will be overwhelmed with violence someday.
18-20 WOE TO THE IDOLATERS! Exodus 20:1-4. Idolatry is the sin that begins the downfall of nations and a person. It may be the greatest sin. A graven image and a cast metal image. What profit is in it? How can you trust in something you created? It does not include or cover your eternity. Awake wood! Arise dumb stone! How can they teach you? Does God want to teach us? How can it breathe when it is smothered in metal? You are stupid to think and do this.
The Lord who IS alive is in His temple. He is omniscient, omnipresent. He has breath, knowledge, glory, power. He is our teacher. He has salvation. He is love. Be silent before Him, bow down before Him, not your idols.
Many of the scriptures were for the days that the prophets spoke them. But they were also at the same time, prophecies for the future. This is one of the many amazing things about God's Word. Let's look at some scriptures about the Lord's rule that is coming. Isaiah 11:1-10, 42:1-4. This will be true justice and righteousness for the nations. Until then, I would suggest that you pray for revival and awakening in your county and in your nation. I believe the Lord's Prayer is very appropriate for this time too. Matthew 6:9-13.
Are you looking to God in these chaotic times?
Do you realize that this chapter of Habakkuk refers also to God's final judgment of all injustice, violence, and wickedness?
Are you praying for the deliverance from evil for yourself and your loved ones and your church body?
If you do not have hope in God in these times of shaking, He is waiting for you to turn to Him. You can have peace and assurance of a future in the middle of this storm. The earth will be filled with His glory. He is in His Holy temple. Please trust in Jesus today! He is waiting with open arms for you to come to Him.
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