The Fulness of Time, Part II
Into this great darkness, God and the Holy Spirit are moving in a powerful way in Israel, fulfilling prophecies of old. Jesus is coming! The Holy Spirit is filling people with Himself. Elizabeth and Mary rejoice in the Holy Spirit and give glory to God. Zacharias praises God and by the Holy Spirit prophesies concerning the Messiah and the prophet of the Most High. The four hundred years of silence from God has been broken! The time of redemption is drawing near.
Luke 1:39,40 Mary went in haste to see Elizabeth and entered the house. What a wonderful Holy Spirit anointed reunion this was! Did Elizabeth know Mary was pregnant? No, she did not. The Holy Spirit revealed it to her.
41 At Mary's greeting the baby leaped in her womb. This was more than an arm or leg moving around. This was from joy at hearing Mary's voice. This may be when John was filled with the Holy Spirit (Vs.15.) and He then filled Elizabeth.
42-45 Elizabeth cried out as the Holy Spirit prophesied through her. He revealed to her that Mary was carrying the Messiah, she was blessed among women, the fruit of her womb was blessed. Elizabeth was humbled that Mary would come to her instead of Elizabeth going to Mary. Look, the baby leaped for joy as you spoke! And blessed is she who believed what the Lord spoke to her. How important and how we will be blessed by the Lord when we in faith believe what He has in store for us.
46-55 Now Mary by the Holy Spirit sings out in praise to God! She exalts the Lord and prophesies in song to Him who has done such a great miracle in her life. There is praise and adoration, humility, Savior, Mighty One, mercy, fear of God, scattering and bringing down the proud, attending to the poor, and remembering His promises to His people. Is God good? Yes, He is! How I wish I could see this scene!
56 A three-month visit. There was much to talk about! We can be sure it was a blessed time together. Did Zacharias join in the conversation? Was this part of the reason he was mute so the women could have " girl " time together? Mary's dilemma of being pregnant without being married was part of the discussion too. This put her in a very difficult and humbling position in that society. Joseph desired to put her away secretly. The rumors, the looks, people avoiding her. Who could or would believe her story? Look at verse 35. Really Mary? Explain that to us! Who do you think you are? Why are you so special? A very hurtful experience. Is the fear of people and what they think or say about you, keeping you from doing what the Lord has asked you to do?
57,58 Elizabeth brought forth a son. Her neighbors and relatives rejoiced with her. Another wonderful time for Elizabeth.
59 On the eighth day THEY were going to call him Zacharias. This is what we do. The firstborn son is named after the father.
60,61 No indeed he shall be called John. What? You don't even have any relatives named John.
62,63 Alright! We will ask the father since you are mistaken. Zacharias wrote his name is John. They were astonished! God is not interested in your traditions as much as He wants your obedience. Is your upbringing and your family traditions keeping you from doing what the Lord has called you to do? This applies to churches too.
64 His tongue was loosed and he began to praise God. If they changed their mind and named him Zacharias, would he have remained mute? A possibility. They were obedient and it became a great testimony.
65,66 Fear came on all those living around them and in Judea. All who heard them said, what then will this child be for surely the Lord was with him?
67 Now Zacharias is filled with the Holy Spirit and he prophesied.
68,69,70,71 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel! He has visited us and accomplished redemption. The Messiah is from the line of David as the prophets foretold. Deliverance from our enemies and from all those that hate us.
72,73 Mercy and fulfilling His covenant to Abraham. Gen.22:16-18
74,75 Serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness all our days.
76 Now he speaks of John. The prophet of the Most High.
77 The knowledge of salvation is by the forgiveness of their sins. This is not atoned for sins, this is forgiveness of sins. Only the Messiah can and will do this great thing.
78 Mercy of God. The Sunrise shall visit us. Malachi 4:2. Jesus said he is the light of the world!
79 Isaiah 9:1,2. Shine upon those in darkness. This light shines upon us to guide us in the darkness to the way of peace. Jesus will guide you to peace, even in these dark times in this dark world. The Holy Spirit always points us to God and Jesus and to His Word. To His mercy and salvation to unbelievers. Is the Lord good? Yes!
80 Continued to grow and become strong in spirit. Like Jesus. Luke 2:40.
Are you having fellowship in the Holy Spirit with your brothers or sisters?
Has your obedience produced a testimony of Him working in your life?
Are fear and tradition keeping you from His plan for your life?
Have you ever let Jesus the Light Of The World come into your darkness? He WILL guide your feet into the way of peace even in these dark times. Ask Him to shine His glorious light into your heart today!
Luke 1:39,40 Mary went in haste to see Elizabeth and entered the house. What a wonderful Holy Spirit anointed reunion this was! Did Elizabeth know Mary was pregnant? No, she did not. The Holy Spirit revealed it to her.
41 At Mary's greeting the baby leaped in her womb. This was more than an arm or leg moving around. This was from joy at hearing Mary's voice. This may be when John was filled with the Holy Spirit (Vs.15.) and He then filled Elizabeth.
42-45 Elizabeth cried out as the Holy Spirit prophesied through her. He revealed to her that Mary was carrying the Messiah, she was blessed among women, the fruit of her womb was blessed. Elizabeth was humbled that Mary would come to her instead of Elizabeth going to Mary. Look, the baby leaped for joy as you spoke! And blessed is she who believed what the Lord spoke to her. How important and how we will be blessed by the Lord when we in faith believe what He has in store for us.
46-55 Now Mary by the Holy Spirit sings out in praise to God! She exalts the Lord and prophesies in song to Him who has done such a great miracle in her life. There is praise and adoration, humility, Savior, Mighty One, mercy, fear of God, scattering and bringing down the proud, attending to the poor, and remembering His promises to His people. Is God good? Yes, He is! How I wish I could see this scene!
56 A three-month visit. There was much to talk about! We can be sure it was a blessed time together. Did Zacharias join in the conversation? Was this part of the reason he was mute so the women could have " girl " time together? Mary's dilemma of being pregnant without being married was part of the discussion too. This put her in a very difficult and humbling position in that society. Joseph desired to put her away secretly. The rumors, the looks, people avoiding her. Who could or would believe her story? Look at verse 35. Really Mary? Explain that to us! Who do you think you are? Why are you so special? A very hurtful experience. Is the fear of people and what they think or say about you, keeping you from doing what the Lord has asked you to do?
57,58 Elizabeth brought forth a son. Her neighbors and relatives rejoiced with her. Another wonderful time for Elizabeth.
59 On the eighth day THEY were going to call him Zacharias. This is what we do. The firstborn son is named after the father.
60,61 No indeed he shall be called John. What? You don't even have any relatives named John.
62,63 Alright! We will ask the father since you are mistaken. Zacharias wrote his name is John. They were astonished! God is not interested in your traditions as much as He wants your obedience. Is your upbringing and your family traditions keeping you from doing what the Lord has called you to do? This applies to churches too.
64 His tongue was loosed and he began to praise God. If they changed their mind and named him Zacharias, would he have remained mute? A possibility. They were obedient and it became a great testimony.
65,66 Fear came on all those living around them and in Judea. All who heard them said, what then will this child be for surely the Lord was with him?
67 Now Zacharias is filled with the Holy Spirit and he prophesied.
68,69,70,71 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel! He has visited us and accomplished redemption. The Messiah is from the line of David as the prophets foretold. Deliverance from our enemies and from all those that hate us.
72,73 Mercy and fulfilling His covenant to Abraham. Gen.22:16-18
74,75 Serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness all our days.
76 Now he speaks of John. The prophet of the Most High.
77 The knowledge of salvation is by the forgiveness of their sins. This is not atoned for sins, this is forgiveness of sins. Only the Messiah can and will do this great thing.
78 Mercy of God. The Sunrise shall visit us. Malachi 4:2. Jesus said he is the light of the world!
79 Isaiah 9:1,2. Shine upon those in darkness. This light shines upon us to guide us in the darkness to the way of peace. Jesus will guide you to peace, even in these dark times in this dark world. The Holy Spirit always points us to God and Jesus and to His Word. To His mercy and salvation to unbelievers. Is the Lord good? Yes!
80 Continued to grow and become strong in spirit. Like Jesus. Luke 2:40.
Are you having fellowship in the Holy Spirit with your brothers or sisters?
Has your obedience produced a testimony of Him working in your life?
Are fear and tradition keeping you from His plan for your life?
Have you ever let Jesus the Light Of The World come into your darkness? He WILL guide your feet into the way of peace even in these dark times. Ask Him to shine His glorious light into your heart today!
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